Autoimmunity and aging: What to expect as you get older

As we journey through life, our bodies undergo numerous changes. For those living with autoimmune conditions, the ageing process can bring unique challenges and considerations. Let's explore what you might expect as you grow older with an autoimmune disease.

The Intersection of Autoimmunity and Ageing

Firstly, it's important to understand that autoimmune diseases and ageing share some common ground. Both involve changes in the immune system, often leading to increased inflammation. As you age, your immune system naturally becomes less efficient, a process known as immunosenescence. This can potentially impact how your autoimmune condition manifests and responds to treatment.

Changing Symptoms Over Time

You might notice that your symptoms change over time. Some people find that their autoimmune symptoms actually improve with age, while others may experience new or worsening symptoms. For instance, rheumatoid arthritis symptoms sometimes lessen in older adults, but the risk of complications like osteoporosis may increase.

Managing Multiple Health Conditions

Managing multiple health conditions can become more complex as you age. It's not uncommon for older adults to have more than one chronic condition alongside their autoimmune disease. This might mean juggling different medications and treatment plans, making it crucial to have a healthcare team that communicates well and considers your overall health picture.

Increased Risk of Certain Conditions

Your risk of developing certain conditions may increase. Some autoimmune diseases, like Sjögren's syndrome, are more commonly diagnosed in older adults. Additionally, having one autoimmune condition can increase your risk of developing others. Regular check-ups and open communication with your healthcare provider are key to catching any new developments early.

Changes in Medication Response

You might find that your body responds differently to medications as you age. Your liver and kidneys may process drugs more slowly, potentially leading to an increased risk of side effects. It's important to review your medications regularly with your doctor and report any new side effects promptly.

Managing Fatigue

Fatigue, a common complaint in many autoimmune conditions, might become more pronounced. This could be due to the combined effects of your condition, normal ageing processes, and potentially disrupted sleep patterns that often come with getting older. Prioritising good sleep hygiene and pacing your activities can help manage this fatigue.

The Advantage of Experience

On a positive note, many people find that they become more adept at managing their condition over time. Years of experience living with an autoimmune disease often lead to a deeper understanding of your body's needs and triggers. This self-knowledge can be invaluable in maintaining your quality of life as you age.


Remember, everyone's experience with autoimmunity and ageing is unique. Stay proactive about your health, maintain open dialogue with your healthcare team, and don't hesitate to seek support when needed. With the right care and management, it's entirely possible to age gracefully and maintain a good quality of life while living with an autoimmune condition.

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