Your body is telling you something. We're here to listen.

How we help

Living with pelvic pain can feel lonely, frustrating, and at times, hopeless. Perhaps you've been told it's "just part of being a woman" or that you should "learn to live with it". Maybe you've seen countless doctors, only to leave feeling misunderstood or dismissed. At biio, we want you to know: we hear you, we believe you, and we're here to help.

We understand that your pelvic pain is more than just physical discomfort. It's sleepless nights, cancelled plans, and relationships strained. It's the weight of unanswered questions and the exhaustion of navigating a healthcare system that often fails to provide the answers you need.

Our team of specialists is committed to changing this narrative. We offer a unique, integrated approach to pelvic pain management that's as individual as you are. Whether you're grappling with endometriosis, vulvodynia, pelvic floor dysfunction, or any other form of pelvic pain, we're here to support your journey towards relief and renewed

Your healing journey.
Always supported.

Book your appointment

Meet your case manager

First, you'll receive a dedicated case manager (completely free of charge). They'll serve as a consistent touch point, advisor and advocate during your journey.

Initial appointment

During your first session, you'll get to know your therapist, discuss the difficulties that have led you to seek support and create shared goals for your care.

Care team is formed

If your seeking care for other conditions or symptoms, beyond your mental health, your therapist may connect you with other practitioners or resources to form your tailored care team.

Begin treatment

You'll begin your care journey, incorporating evidence-based lifestyle and self-management strategies, and carefully selected therapeutic modalities tailored to your needs and goals.

Ongoing support

With ongoing support from your therapist, and case manager, you'll adjust your care plan as symptoms ease, with regular check-ins to review your progress along the way.

Expert practitioners

Specialist practitioners who have the knowledge to go beyond the surface to really understand you, your pain and how to help.

Comprehensive care plans

We’re combining the best of lifestyle, medical and allied health expertise that merge to create comprehensive care plans tailored to you. No conventional, cookie-cutter solutions here.

Healthcare that listens

You know your body better than anyone and listening is key to accurate diagnoses, effective treatment and building trust. Our care providers have got your back and make decisions with you, not for you.

Your healing journey.
Always supported.

Book your appointment

Meet your case manager

First, you'll receive a dedicated case manager (completely free of charge). They'll serve as a consistent touch point and advocate.


An in-depth health and wellbeing assessment with an integrative nurse practitioner provides a detailed view of your health biography.

Build your care team

Guided by your initial assessment, your nurse practitioner will guide you in setting goals for your care and carefully selecting 1-3 clinicians to help you achieve them.

Begin treatment

You'll begin your care journey, incorporating evidence-based medical interventions, lifestyle and self-management strategies, and diverse therapeutic modalities tailored to your needs and goals.

Ongoing support

With ongoing support from your care team, and case manager, you'll adjust your care plan as symptoms ease, with regular check-ins to review your progress along the way.

Expert practitioners

Specialist practitioners who have the knowledge to go beyond the surface to really understand you, your pain and how to help.

Comprehensive care plans

We’re combining the best of lifestyle, medical and allied health expertise that merge to create comprehensive care plans tailored to you. No conventional, cookie-cutter solutions here.

Healthcare that listens

You know your body better than anyone and listening is key to accurate diagnoses, effective treatment and building trust. Our care providers have got your back and make decisions with you, not for you.

Our clinical leadership

As seen on:

The complete suite of tailored therapies

Pelvic Physiotherapy

Pelvic Physiotherapy is a specialised form of therapy focusing on diagnosing and treating conditions related to the pelvic floor. This approach involves a comprehensive assessment of the pelvic region to identify issues such as muscle weakness, tension, or dysfunction. Treatment techniques may include manual therapy, exercises to strengthen or relax the pelvic floor muscles, biofeedback, and education on lifestyle modifications. The goal is to restore normal function, alleviate pain, and improve overall pelvic health.

Pelvic Pain Specialists

Our pain specialists apply an integrated approach to pain management, utilising a mix of medical, behavioural, and physical therapies tailored to the individual needs of each patient. Techniques may include medications, nerve blocks, physical therapy, psychological support, and advanced interventions such as neurotomy procedures or medicated infusions. The goal is not only to alleviate pain but also to improve function and enhance the quality of life for women living with persistent pelvic pain.

This approach can be particularly beneficial for women suffering from conditions such as endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, vulvodynia, and pelvic congestion syndrome. It is also helpful for those with pain resulting from surgeries, injuries, or other long-term health issues that have not responded to standard treatments.

Trauma Therapists

Our team includes clinical psychologists who employ evidence-based techniques to address the psychological aspects of pelvic pain and related issues. We utilise a range of approaches including Schema Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Clinical Hypnotherapy.

Our therapists excel in supporting women through trauma healing, particularly sexual trauma, and addressing gender identity difficulties. We focus on helping clients process traumatic experiences, develop effective coping strategies, and rebuild a sense of safety and control. This therapeutic approach is especially beneficial for women whose pelvic pain is linked to past trauma, anxiety, or depression.

Health Coaching

Health Coaching for women with pelvic pain provides personalised support in managing pain and improving overall wellness. Coaches work with clients to set health goals, develop action plans, and make sustainable lifestyle changes. This approach is valuable for women seeking to manage chronic pelvic pain conditions, offering guidance and accountability in areas like diet, exercise, and stress management.

Bladder Tracking & Training

Bladder Tracking & Training is a behavioural therapy for improving bladder control and reducing urinary symptoms associated with pelvic pain. It involves keeping a detailed diary of bladder habits and implementing techniques like scheduled voiding and pelvic floor exercises. This approach is helpful for women with conditions like interstitial cystitis or overactive bladder, empowering them to manage symptoms and potentially reduce pelvic pain.

Dilator Therapy

Dilator Therapy helps women overcome pelvic pain, vaginal tightness, and pain during intercourse. It uses graduated dilators to gently stretch tissues and desensitise the area. This therapy benefits women with conditions like vaginismus, dyspareunia, or vulvodynia, addressing both physical and psychological aspects of pelvic discomfort to improve sexual health and wellbeing.

Hypogastric Plexus Block

A hypogastric plexus block is a minimally invasive procedure for chronic pelvic pain in women. It targets the hypogastric plexus nerves using local anaesthetic injections. This treatment can effectively relieve pain from conditions like endometriosis or pelvic congestion syndrome. It aims to reduce pain intensity and improve daily function, serving as part of a comprehensive pain management strategy.

Supplements for Pelvic Pain

A holistic approach to supplements for pelvic pain management starts with understanding your body's unique nutritional needs. Nutrient testing can reveal deficiencies that may be exacerbating pain or inflammation. Common supplements beneficial for pelvic pain include omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, vitamin D, and turmeric. Addressing deficiencies through targeted supplementation can help reduce inflammation, support muscle relaxation, and improve overall pelvic health.

Once deficiencies are identified, a personalised supplement plan can be created. This might include specific vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients your body lacks. Additionally, supplements like probiotics and adaptogenic herbs may support overall pelvic health and pain management by reducing inflammation and supporting the body's stress response.

Hormone Support

Hormone Support focuses on optimising your body's natural regulatory systems for improved pelvic pain management. We begin with comprehensive hormone testing to assess levels of crucial hormones like oestrogen, progesterone, and cortisol. This provides insights into potential imbalances affecting your pelvic pain and overall health.

Based on your results, we develop a personalised plan to support hormonal balance. This may include targeted supplementation, lifestyle modifications, or bioidentical hormone therapy when necessary. By addressing hormonal imbalances, we can help reduce pelvic pain, potentially making your pain management journey more effective and sustainable. Balanced hormones can lead to reduced inflammation, improved muscle function, and better overall pelvic health.


Biio has answers

What is pelvic pain, and how is it defined in women?

Pelvic pain, as experienced by women, is more than just a symptom; it's a signal from your body that something might be amiss within your pelvic region. This area, nestled below your belly button and between your hips, is a complex network of reproductive organs, muscles, and tissues. When you feel pain here, it can range from a sharp sting to a dull ache, and it might come and go or be a constant presence in your life.

In women, pelvic pain is defined by its location and the nature of the discomfort it brings. It may be associated with menstrual cycles, signaling conditions like menstrual cramps or endometriosis, or it might arise independently, pointing towards issues such as ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, or even musculoskeletal problems. Pelvic pain can also be a symptom of something more systemic affecting your body, like irritable bowel syndrome or urinary tract infections.

Understanding pelvic pain is the first step towards addressing it. It's a condition that speaks to the unique aspects of women's health, acknowledging the intricate balance of your body's systems. If you're feeling persistent or severe pelvic pain, it's a cue that your body is asking for attention.

What are the common causes of pelvic pain in women?

Every woman's experience with pelvic pain is as unique as she is, but—of course—there are common threads that tie these experiences together.

Common causes of pelvic pain in women include:

  • Menstrual cramps and ovulation pain.
  • Endometriosis, where tissue similar to the uterine lining grows outside the uterus.
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), an infection of the female reproductive organs.
  • Uterine fibroids, non-cancerous growths in the uterus.
  • Interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome.
  • Gastrointestinal issues like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • Musculoskeletal problems in the pelvic region.
  • Pelvic adhesions, which are bands of scar tissue.

Understanding the root cause of your pelvic pain often holds the key to successful treatment and relief.

How can I tell if my pelvic pain is normal or a sign of something more serious?

Navigating the nuances of pelvic pain can often feel overwhelming, but understanding the signals your body sends is key to discerning when discomfort might be a mere passerby or an indicator of a deeper issue. Typically, pelvic pain that's part of your regular menstrual cycle, characterised by mild to moderate cramps, is considered normal. This type of discomfort is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain relief, heat therapy, or gentle exercise. It's your body's natural response to the shedding of the uterine lining, and while uncomfortable, it's a sign of your body's regular processes at work.

However, when pelvic pain deviates from your normal pattern—perhaps it's more intense, lasts longer than usual, or is accompanied by unusual symptoms like irregular bleeding, fever, or pain during intercourse—it's time to listen closely. These could be your body's way of signaling conditions such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts, or infections that require professional attention. At Biio, our practitioners offer expert guidance to help you interpret these signals. Together, we'll explore the cause of your discomfort, offering you support and tailored care every step of the way.

What diagnostic tests are used to determine the cause of pelvic pain?

At Biio, we employ a variety of diagnostic tests tailored to your unique symptoms and medical history. Here's a brief overview:

  • Pelvic Exam: Can be a valuable first step, giving us insights into possible causes of your pain.
  • Ultrasound: Offers a non-invasive look at your pelvic organs, helping identify cysts, fibroids, or other abnormalities.
  • Laparoscopy: A minimally invasive procedure that allows us to see inside your abdomen, providing a clear picture of any endometriosis or internal scarring.
  • Urinalysis: Helps rule out urinary tract infections or bladder issues.
  • Blood Tests: Can detect infections, inflammation, or other markers that might contribute to your pain.

All tests are chosen with your comfort and health in mind, aiming to provide us with the clarity needed to guide your care.

What treatment options are available for managing pelvic pain?

At Biio, we embrace a personalized approach to managing pelvic pain, understanding that each woman's experience and needs are unique. Our treatment options range from conventional medical interventions to innovative therapies tailored just for you. This may include medication for pain relief or to address specific conditions, physical therapy to strengthen pelvic muscles, and lifestyle adjustments to improve overall well-being. For certain cases, surgical options might be explored to provide long-term relief.

Moreover, we believe in the power of integrative care, combining medical treatments with supportive therapies such as counseling, stress management techniques, and nutrition planning. Our goal is not just to alleviate your symptoms but to empower you with tools and knowledge for a healthier, more comfortable life. By working closely with our dedicated team, we'll help you navigate through your treatment options, ensuring that your journey towards relief is both informed and supported every step of the way.

How can lifestyle changes impact pelvic pain?

At Biio, we believe in the power of lifestyle changes to transform your health and well-being, especially when it comes to managing pelvic pain. Simple adjustments in your daily routine, such as incorporating gentle exercise, adopting a balanced diet, and practicing stress-reduction techniques, can significantly reduce the intensity and frequency of pelvic pain. These changes work by enhancing blood flow, reducing inflammation, and bolstering your body's natural pain management systems.

Moreover, prioritising good sleep hygiene and staying hydrated are key components of a holistic approach to pain management. By listening to your body and making mindful choices, you can create a strong foundation for reducing pelvic discomfort.

How can I effectively communicate my pelvic pain concerns to my practitioners?

Starting the conversation about your pelvic pain with practitioners can feel daunting, but it's a crucial step towards healing. Begin by keeping a detailed pain diary leading up to your appointment. Note the frequency, intensity, and triggers of your pain, as well as any accompanying symptoms like changes in your menstrual cycle, bowel movements, or urination. This diary becomes a powerful tool in conveying the specifics of your experience, helping your practitioner understand your pain's patterns and impacts on your daily life.

When you speak with your practitioner, be open and honest about all aspects of your pain and how it affects you physically, emotionally, and mentally. Don’t hesitate to share even what might seem like minor details; they can provide valuable clues in diagnosing and treating your condition. Remember, you're the expert on your body and how you're feeling. Clear, candid communication is key to building a productive partnership with your healthcare team at Biio, one that's centered on finding relief and improving your quality of life.

Experience care that harnesses your body's wisdom

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