Valentina Dragicevic

Masters in Clinical Psychology
Valentina Dragicevic is a Clinical Psychologist and EMDR therapist specialising in trauma treatment.
Valentina Dragicevic

Valentina is an experienced Clinical Psychologist and certified EMDR therapist with extensive expertise in trauma treatment and sensory processing issues. With a compassionate and integrative approach, she helps clients navigate the complex effects of painful experiences on their mind, body, and spirit, guiding them towards healing and personal growth.

Valentina's expertise lies in utilising a range of evidence-based therapies, including Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Schema Therapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, and the Safe and Sound Protocol. Her integrative approach allows her to address the multifaceted nature of psychological well-being, tailoring treatment to each client's unique needs and circumstances.

Trauma & PTSD

Drawing on her specialised training in trauma treatment, Valentina helps clients process and heal from traumatic experiences using EMDR and other trauma-informed therapies. She focuses on reducing the emotional impact of traumatic memories, developing resilience, and promoting post-traumatic growth. Her approach is sensitive to the complexities of trauma and aims to create a safe space for healing.

Sensory Sensitivities & Safe and Sound Protocol

Valentina specialises in treating sensory processing issues using the Safe and Sound Protocol and other sensory integration techniques. She helps clients manage sensory sensitivities, reduce stress, and improve social engagement. This approach is particularly beneficial for individuals with autism, trauma history, or anxiety disorders.


As a certified EMDR therapist, Valentina utilises this powerful therapy to help clients process traumatic memories and reduce their emotional charge. She applies EMDR not only to trauma treatment but also to address anxiety, depression, and other emotional difficulties. Her approach aims to promote adaptive information processing and facilitate lasting change.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Valentina employs clinical hypnotherapy to access the subconscious mind and facilitate positive change. She combines hypnotherapy with cognitive-behavioural techniques to help clients overcome limiting beliefs, manage anxiety, and address phobias. Her approach focuses on empowering clients to tap into their inner resources for healing.

Schema Therapy

In her work with clients struggling with long-standing emotional and interpersonal patterns, Valentina utilises Schema Therapy. She helps clients identify and modify deep-seated beliefs and behaviours that may be hindering their personal growth and relationships. Her schema-focused interventions are particularly effective for clients with personality disorders or chronic emotional difficulties.

Valentina is passionate about guiding her clients towards greater joy, meaningful connections, and a deeper understanding of themselves. Her approach is particularly effective for individuals who are introspective and ready to explore how past experiences have shaped their present reality. Whether addressing trauma, sensory issues, or ingrained emotional patterns, Valentina is committed to supporting her clients on their journey towards healing and self-discovery.

Book an appointment today with

Valentina Dragicevic

Begin you journey towards optimal wellbeing.