For those who bend—but refuse to break.

How we help

Living with Ehlers Danlos syndrome (EDS) or a hypermobility spectrum disorder can feel like navigating a world that wasn't designed for you. Perhaps you've struggled to find healthcare providers who truly understand your condition, or you've faced scepticism about symptoms that aren't easily visible. Maybe you're tired of being labelled as 'anxious' or 'just flexible' when you know there's so much more to your experience.

At biio, we understand that your condition affects every aspect of your life. It's not just about joint pain or easy bruising - it's about the daily challenges of managing fatigue, the frustration of symptoms that seem to change day by day, and the constant need to explain your condition to others who don't quite get it.

Our team of zebra-friendly practitioners at biio is committed to providing the specialised care you deserve. Whether you're dealing with EDS, a hypermobility spectrum disorder, orthostatic intolerance, POTS, dysautonomia, or associated chronic fatigue, we're here to help you reclaim control and improve your quality of life.

Your healing journey.
Always supported.

Book your appointment

Meet your case manager

First, you'll receive a dedicated case manager (completely free of charge). They'll serve as a consistent touch point, advisor and advocate during your journey.

Initial appointment

During your first session, you'll get to know your therapist, discuss the difficulties that have led you to seek support and create shared goals for your care.

Care team is formed

If your seeking care for other conditions or symptoms, beyond your mental health, your therapist may connect you with other practitioners or resources to form your tailored care team.

Begin treatment

You'll begin your care journey, incorporating evidence-based lifestyle and self-management strategies, and carefully selected therapeutic modalities tailored to your needs and goals.

Ongoing support

With ongoing support from your therapist, and case manager, you'll adjust your care plan as symptoms ease, with regular check-ins to review your progress along the way.

Expert practitioners

Specialist practitioners who have the knowledge to go beyond the surface to really understand you, your symptoms and how to help.

Comprehensive care plans

We’re combining the best of lifestyle, medical and allied health expertise that merge to create comprehensive care plans tailored to you. No conventional, cookie-cutter solutions here.

Healthcare that listens

You know your body better than anyone and listening is key to accurate diagnoses, effective treatment and building trust. Our care providers have got your back and make decisions with you, not for you.

Your healing journey.
Always supported.

Book your appointment

Meet your case manager

First, you'll receive a dedicated case manager (completely free of charge). They'll serve as a consistent touch point and advocate.


An in-depth health and wellbeing assessment with an integrative nurse practitioner provides a detailed view of your health biography.

Build your care team

Guided by your initial assessment, your nurse practitioner will guide you in setting goals for your care and carefully selecting 1-3 clinicians to help you achieve them.

Begin treatment

You'll begin your care journey, incorporating evidence-based medical interventions, lifestyle and self-management strategies, and diverse therapeutic modalities tailored to your needs and goals.

Ongoing support

With ongoing support from your care team, and case manager, you'll adjust your care plan as symptoms ease, with regular check-ins to review your progress along the way.

Expert practitioners

Specialist practitioners who have the knowledge to go beyond the surface to really understand you, your symptoms and how to help.

Comprehensive care plans

We’re combining the best of lifestyle, medical and allied health expertise that merge to create comprehensive care plans tailored to you. No conventional, cookie-cutter solutions here.

Healthcare that listens

You know your body better than anyone and listening is key to accurate diagnoses, effective treatment and building trust. Our care providers have got your back and make decisions with you, not for you.

Our clinical leadership

As seen on:

The complete suite of tailored therapies

EDS & Hypermobility Physiotherapy

Our specialised physiotherapy for EDS and hypermobility focuses on improving joint stability, muscle strength, and proprioception. We use tailored exercises and techniques to address the unique challenges of hypermobile joints, aiming to reduce pain, prevent injuries, and enhance overall function. Our physiotherapists work closely with each patient to develop a personalised treatment plan that accommodates their specific EDS subtype and individual needs.

Specialist Pain Medicine

Our pain medicine specialists offer comprehensive care for the complex pain often associated with EDS. Using a multidisciplinary approach, we combine advanced medical interventions with holistic strategies to manage chronic pain effectively. Treatments may include carefully selected medications, targeted injections, and innovative pain management techniques, all tailored to the unique needs of EDS patients to improve their quality of life and daily functioning.

Pelvic Physiotherapy

Pelvic physiotherapy addresses the pelvic floor dysfunctions common in EDS patients. Our specialised therapists use gentle techniques to improve pelvic floor muscle strength, coordination, and function. This can help manage symptoms such as pelvic pain, incontinence, and organ prolapse, which are often experienced by individuals with EDS. We provide a safe, comfortable environment for this sensitive but crucial aspect of EDS management.

Clinical Pain Psychology

Our pain psychology services address the emotional and psychological impacts of living with EDS and chronic pain. Using evidence-based techniques such as cognitive-behavioural therapy and mindfulness, we help patients develop coping strategies, manage anxiety and depression, and improve their overall quality of life. Our psychologists work closely with patients to build resilience, adjust to life with a chronic condition, and maintain a positive outlook despite the challenges of EDS.

POTS Management

We offer comprehensive strategies to manage Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), a condition frequently co-occurring with EDS. Our approach includes education on lifestyle modifications, exercises to improve cardiovascular conditioning, hydration and nutrition advice, and techniques for managing symptoms like dizziness and fatigue. We work with patients to develop personalised strategies that fit their daily lives and improve their ability to function with POTS.

Fatigue Support

Chronic fatigue is a common and debilitating symptom of EDS. Our fatigue management programme teaches energy conservation techniques, activity pacing, and lifestyle adjustments to help patients maximise their energy levels. We work with individuals to identify energy drains, optimise sleep patterns, and develop strategies to prioritise activities, enabling them to accomplish more while managing their fatigue effectively.

Self Management Skills

Self management empowers EDS patients to take control of their condition. We teach practical strategies for daily pain management, joint protection, stress reduction, and symptom tracking. Patients learn to set realistic goals, make informed lifestyle choices, and effectively communicate their needs to healthcare providers and loved ones. These skills help individuals with EDS navigate their daily challenges more confidently and maintain better overall health.


Biio has answers

How do I get started with Biio's EDS & HSD care pathway?

Book your initial consultation online with our clinical lead in EDS & HDS, Tracy Wallwork. During your first appointment, Tracy will guide you through a comprehensive assessment to evaluate your symptoms and priorities for care. Based on this, she'll develop a personalised care plan tailored to your needs and goals. Should you wish to see one of our Pain Specialists, or other health professionals, Tracy can also guide you in selecting the right practitioners for your specific needs.

How can physiotherapy help manage EDS & HSD symptoms?

Physiotherapy plays a key role in managing EDS & HSD symptoms, and preventing complications overtime. Our specialised physiotherapist, Tracy Wallwork, can work with you to improve joint stability, muscle strength, and overall physical function, as well as support you general pain management strategies. Tracy may use techniques such as manual therapy, exercise prescription, and bracing or taping to alleviate pain, prevent injuries, and enhance your ability to perform daily activities. She may also provide education on proper body mechanics and self-management tools to help you maintain your progress outside of therapy sessions.

How can psychology support individuals with EDS & HSD?

Living with EDS & HSD can have a significant impact on mental health and emotional well-being. Our clinical psychologists offer support to help you cope with the challenges of managing a chronic condition. They provide evidence-based therapies, such as cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), to address issues like chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Our psychologists work with you to develop resilience, build coping skills, and foster a positive mindset to support your overall health and quality of life.

What lifestyle changes can help manage EDS & HSD?

Lifestyle modifications play a vital role in managing EDS & HSD symptoms and preventing complications. Our team provides guidance on adopting a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and staying hydrated to support joint health and overall well-being. We emphasise the importance of regular, low-impact exercise to improve muscle strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular fitness. Our mental health workers may also help you develop stress management techniques, such as relaxation exercises and mindfulness, to reduce the impact of stress on your symptoms. By incorporating these lifestyle changes, you can take an active role in managing your condition and enhancing your quality of life.

What is the role of pain management in EDS & HSD care?

Chronic pain is a common and often debilitating symptom for those with EDS or HSD. Our team includes pain medicine specialists who work closely with you to develop a personalised pain management plan. This may involve a combination of pharmacological treatments, such as medication optimisation, and non-pharmacological approaches, like physical therapy, psychology, and lifestyle modifications. We also offer interventional procedures, such as joint injections or nerve blocks, when appropriate. Our goal is to reduce pain, improve function, and help you maintain a good quality of life.

How can I access Biio's services for EDS & HSD care?

Accessing Biio's services for EDS & HSD care is easy and convenient. We offer both in-person and telehealth appointments, allowing you to receive expert care from the comfort of your own home. Our digital platform enables secure video consultations, ensuring you can connect with our specialists no matter where you are located. To get started, simply book an appointment through our website or call us on 1300-184-664. We accept various insurance plans and can help you navigate your coverage options.

Recover wholeness with unrivalled hypermobility expertise

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