It's about peace of mind—and the spring in your step.

How we help

Struggling with weight loss can feel like a battle against your own body. You've likely felt frustrated cycling through numerous diets and exercise plans, or disheartened by social judgement and oversimplified advice that fails to address the complexities of your metabolic health.

At biio, we're changing that narrative. Our mission is to provide you with cutting-edge, evidence-based weight loss solutions tailored to your individual needs.

Whether you're dealing with stubborn fat, slow metabolism, or weight-related health issues, you deserve a weight loss approach that's as nuanced as your body's needs. We're not here to offer another fad diet or temporary fix. Our team of weight loss experts is dedicated to helping you build the best, healthiest version of yourself using the power of science.

We're committed to making this the last weight loss programme you'll ever need. With our evidence-based medications, treatments, and expert guidance, you will break free from yo-yo dieting and achieve true, lasting weight loss.

Your healing journey.
Always supported.

Book your appointment

Meet your case manager

First, you'll receive a dedicated case manager (completely free of charge). They'll serve as a consistent touch point, advisor and advocate during your journey.

Initial appointment

During your first session, you'll get to know your therapist, discuss the difficulties that have led you to seek support and create shared goals for your care.

Care team is formed

If your seeking care for other conditions or symptoms, beyond your mental health, your therapist may connect you with other practitioners or resources to form your tailored care team.

Begin treatment

You'll begin your care journey, incorporating evidence-based lifestyle and self-management strategies, and carefully selected therapeutic modalities tailored to your needs and goals.

Ongoing support

With ongoing support from your therapist, and case manager, you'll adjust your care plan as symptoms ease, with regular check-ins to review your progress along the way.

Expert Practitioners

Our dedicated practitioners have the knowledge to understand the complexities of your unique weight and metabolic health challenges and provide personalised solutions.

Comprehensive care plans

We combine the best of lifestyle, medical, and holistic expertise to create comprehensive care plans tailored to your specific needs. No one-size-fits-all approaches here.

Healthcare that empowers

You are the expert on your own body, and we value your insights. Our care providers collaborate with you to make decisions that align with your goals and preferences.

Your healing journey.
Always supported.

Book your appointment

Meet your case manager

First, you'll receive a dedicated case manager (completely free of charge). They'll serve as a consistent touch point and advocate.


An in-depth health and wellbeing assessment with an integrative nurse practitioner provides a detailed view of your health biography.

Build your care team

Guided by your initial assessment, your nurse practitioner will guide you in setting goals for your care and carefully selecting 1-3 clinicians to help you achieve them.

Begin treatment

You'll begin your care journey, incorporating evidence-based medical interventions, lifestyle and self-management strategies, and diverse therapeutic modalities tailored to your needs and goals.

Ongoing support

With ongoing support from your care team, and case manager, you'll adjust your care plan as symptoms ease, with regular check-ins to review your progress along the way.

Expert Practitioners

Our dedicated practitioners have the knowledge to understand the complexities of your unique weight and metabolic health challenges and provide personalised solutions.

Comprehensive care plans

We combine the best of lifestyle, medical, and holistic expertise to create comprehensive care plans tailored to your specific needs. No one-size-fits-all approaches here.

Healthcare that empowers

You are the expert on your own body, and we value your insights. Our care providers collaborate with you to make decisions that align with your goals and preferences.

Our clinical leadership

As seen on:

Gone are the days of fad-diets and bootcamps.

The weight-loss game has changed.

The complete suite of tailored therapies

Weight-Loss Injections

Weight-loss injections are a new approach to managing weight and blood sugar. These medications work by mimicking a natural hormone in your body, helping you feel full longer, control your blood sugar better, and reduce hunger. They're especially helpful for people with type 2 diabetes or those struggling to lose weight through lifestyle changes alone.

In clinical trials, people taking these medications typically lost about 10-15% of their body weight, with some studies showing up to 15-20% weight loss in certain participants.

If you're finding it hard to manage your weight or blood sugar with diet and exercise alone, book an appointment with one of our Nurse Practitioners to explore if this therapy is right for you.

Nutrition & Dietetics

Nutrition & Dietetics for weight loss focuses on creating personalised eating plans to boost your metabolism and help you shed excess pounds. Dietitians assess your current diet, lifestyle, and metabolic rate to design a sustainable approach that works for you. They teach you about portion control, nutrient-dense foods, and how to make smart choices that support your weight loss goals while keeping your metabolism running efficiently.

This approach goes beyond just counting calories. It considers the timing of your meals, the balance of nutrients, and how different foods affect your body's fat-burning processes.


A holistic approach to supplements for metabolism and weight management starts with understanding your body's unique nutritional needs. Nutrient testing can reveal deficiencies that may be slowing your metabolism or hindering weight loss efforts. Common deficiencies affecting metabolism include vitamin D, B vitamins, magnesium, and iron. Addressing these deficiencies through targeted supplementation can help optimise your body's energy production and fat-burning processes.

Once deficiencies are identified, a personalised supplement plan can be created. This might include specific vitamins, minerals, or other nutrients your body lacks. Additionally, supplements like omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics, and adaptogenic herbs may support overall metabolic health and weight management.

Hormone Support

Hormone Support focuses on optimizing your body's natural regulatory systems for improved metabolism and weight management. We begin with comprehensive hormone testing to assess levels of crucial hormones like thyroid, cortisol, insulin, and sex hormones. This provides insights into potential imbalances affecting your weight and overall health.

Based on your results, we develop a personalized plan to support hormonal balance. This may include targeted supplementation, lifestyle modifications, or bioidentical hormone therapy when necessary. By addressing hormonal imbalances, we can help optimize your body's metabolism, potentially making your weight loss journey more effective and sustainable.

Holistic Health Coaching

Health Coaching is a personalised approach to improving your overall wellbeing. It involves creating a tailored plan that fits your life and addresses all aspects of your health. This includes nutrition, physical activity, stress management, sleep, and other lifestyle factors. The process looks at you as a whole person, not just isolated symptoms or conditions. You'll set meaningful health goals and develop strategies to achieve them, learning how to make lasting changes that improve your overall quality of life.

Exercise Programming

Exercise Programming involves creating a personalised physical activity plan tailored to your goals and overall health. It takes into account your current fitness level, health conditions, preferences, and lifestyle. Your programme may include a mix of cardiovascular activities, strength training, and flexibility exercises, designed to progressively challenge you as your fitness improves. This approach not only aids in weight loss but also improves mood, increases energy levels, and reduces the risk of various health conditions.

Body Image Counselling

Body Image Counselling is a way to help you feel better about your body and yourself. It's about understanding and improving how you see your body. You'll explore why you might have negative feelings about your appearance and learn to challenge unhelpful thoughts, and you'll develop ways to feel more comfortable and confident in your own skin.

This type of support can be really helpful if you're struggling with issues like eating disorders, constant worries about how you look, or feeling down about your body. It's also great if you feel pressure from society's beauty standards or if your body has changed due to weight loss, surgery, or getting older. The goal is to help you develop a kinder, more balanced view of yourself.

Dive deeper


Biio has answers

What is medically assisted weight-loss care, and how does it differ from other weight-loss methods?

Medically assisted weight-loss care involves a combination of medical treatments, personalised counseling, and lifestyle changes to help individuals achieve and maintain weight loss. Unlike general weight-loss methods that might focus solely on diet and exercise, this approach integrates prescription medications, among other interventions, supervised by healthcare professionals to address specific health needs.

For individuals with more nuanced health concerns—such as body dysmorphia, disordered eating, hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, chronic pain, or fatigue—our multidisciplinary team provides targeted support tailored to each unique situation. Our doctors may assist in caring for hormonal and metabolic conditions. Our psychologists can help you address psychological factors like body dysmorphia and disordered eating. And our various medical specialists can support to you to gain control over chronic health concerns, like chronic pain or chronic fatigue.

By addressing these multifaceted concerns as an integrated team, we ensure that your weight-loss care supports not only physical health but also enhances psychological and emotional well-being, promoting a balanced and sustainable approach to weight loss.

Who is eligible for prescription weight-loss medicines?

Individuals with a body mass index (BMI) in the overweight range or those who have metabolic conditions such as type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure may be eligible for prescription weight-loss medications.

I have another chronic disease that prevents me from being active. Can medically assisted weight-loss help me?

Yes, medically-assisted weight-loss can be especially beneficial if physical limitations from a chronic disease make exercise, and other healthy habits, difficult. Your Biio doctor will work closely with you to tailor medical treatments and lifestyle changes that accommodate your specific health needs and limitations.

What will my weight-loss care involve?

Your journey will begin with a consultation with a weight-loss focused GP to develop your personalised treatment plan and assess your suitability for prescription medicines. Following this, our team of dietitians, physiotherapists, psychologists, specialists and health coaches are available to provide comprehensive support and guide you through lifestyle changes, offering a holistic pathway to achieving your weight-loss goals.

How long does the program typically last, and what results can I expect?

The duration of the weight-loss program varies depending on your individual goals and treatment plan. According to a major study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, patients treated for obesity (without diabetes) saw an average of 15% body weight loss, with one-third achieving more than 20% weight loss, primarily within the first 12 months.

Are there any risks or side effects associated with your medically assisted weight-loss treatments?

As with any medical treatment, there can be risks or side effects, which depend on the specific medications and procedures involved. Common side effects may include gastrointestinal symptoms, changes in appetite, and fatigue. All potential risks and side effects will be thoroughly discussed during your consultation.

Do I need a referral from my primary care physician to participate in your program?

No, a referral is not required to participate in our medically assisted weight-loss program. You can directly book a consultation to get started.

How often will I need to see my Biio doctor to monitor my care?

Most participants will have 2-3 monthly reviews with their Biio doctor. If you are seeking more intensive support, more frequent appointments and multidisciplinary support from our health coaches, dietitians, physiotherapists, and psychologists are always available.

Do you offer virtual or telehealth appointments?

Yes, Biio is a digital-first service. Our healthcare professionals are located throughout Australia, and all appointments are conducted via telemedicine, ensuring convenience and accessibility.

What makes your medically assisted weight-loss program different from others in the market?

Our program is comprehensive and multidisciplinary, focused on long-term success rather than quick fixes. We take your overall health seriously and offer a range of cross-disciplinary expertise to support individuals also managing other health conditions like chronic pain or chronic fatigue. This holistic approach ensures that your weight loss journey is both sustainable and integrated with your overall health needs.

How do you address the emotional and psychological aspects of weight loss and metabolic conditions?

We recognise that weight loss is not just a physical challenge but also an emotional and psychological journey. Our team includes psychologists who work alongside our medical professionals to support your mental and emotional health, addressing issues such as body image, emotional eating, and the psychological impacts of living with chronic conditions.

How can I get started with your medically assisted weight-loss program?

Getting started is easy. Book your initial consultation, or contact our customer service for more information on how to enroll in the program. During your first appointment, we will discuss your health history, goals, and the best approach to your weight loss journey.

The weight-loss game has changed. Seek the support you need to achieve your goals today.

Your health story is your life story. Reclaim authorship today.