Your healing journey begins here...

How we help

Living with the aftermath of trauma can feel like carrying an invisible weight that others can't see or understand. Perhaps you've found yourself feeling on edge, struggling with nightmares or flashbacks, or feeling disconnected from the world around you. Maybe you've tried to explain your experiences to others, only to be met with well-meaning but unhelpful advice to "just move on" or "get over it".

At biio, we want you to know: your experiences are valid, your struggles are real, and you don't have to face this journey alone.

We understand that trauma affects every aspect of your life. It's not just about difficult memories - it's about the way trauma reshapes your view of the world, your relationships, and even your sense of self.

Whether you're a military veteran, a first responder, a survivor of childhood trauma, or someone dealing with the aftermath of a life-altering event, our team of trauma-specialised practitioners are committed to providing the compassionate, expert care you deserve. We're here to help you not just cope, but heal and grow beyond the difficult experiences of your past.

Your healing journey.
Always supported.

Book your appointment

Meet your case manager

First, you'll receive a dedicated case manager (completely free of charge). They'll serve as a consistent touch point, advisor and advocate during your journey.

Initial appointment

During your first session, you'll get to know your therapist, discuss the difficulties that have led you to seek support and create shared goals for your care.

Care team is formed

If your seeking care for other conditions or symptoms, beyond your mental health, your therapist may connect you with other practitioners or resources to form your tailored care team.

Begin treatment

You'll begin your care journey, incorporating evidence-based lifestyle and self-management strategies, and carefully selected therapeutic modalities tailored to your needs and goals.

Ongoing support

With ongoing support from your therapist, and case manager, you'll adjust your care plan as symptoms ease, with regular check-ins to review your progress along the way.

Expert practitioners

Our integrative team includes highly experienced psychologists and therapists who specialise in complex trauma and PTSD. Together, we offer compassionate, expert care tailored to your unique needs.

Personalised care plans

Biio's approach integrates timeless and innovative therapies, lifestyle modifications, and support systems to develop a personalised care plan. We focus on holistic recovery, addressing both mind and body.

A safe space to heal

We believe in creating a supportive, non-judgmental environment where you can openly share your experiences and challenges. At Biio, you’re not just a patient; you’re a valued member of a community dedicated to mental wellbeing.

Your healing journey.
Always supported.

Book your appointment

Meet your case manager

First, you'll receive a dedicated case manager (completely free of charge). They'll serve as a consistent touch point and advocate.


An in-depth health and wellbeing assessment with an integrative nurse practitioner provides a detailed view of your health biography.

Build your care team

Guided by your initial assessment, your nurse practitioner will guide you in setting goals for your care and carefully selecting 1-3 clinicians to help you achieve them.

Begin treatment

You'll begin your care journey, incorporating evidence-based medical interventions, lifestyle and self-management strategies, and diverse therapeutic modalities tailored to your needs and goals.

Ongoing support

With ongoing support from your care team, and case manager, you'll adjust your care plan as symptoms ease, with regular check-ins to review your progress along the way.

Expert practitioners

Our integrative team includes highly experienced psychologists and therapists who specialise in complex trauma and PTSD. Together, we offer compassionate, expert care tailored to your unique needs.

Personalised care plans

Biio's approach integrates timeless and innovative therapies, lifestyle modifications, and support systems to develop a personalised care plan. We focus on holistic recovery, addressing both mind and body.

A safe space to heal

We believe in creating a supportive, non-judgmental environment where you can openly share your experiences and challenges. At Biio, you’re not just a patient; you’re a valued member of a community dedicated to mental wellbeing.

Our clinical leadership

As seen on:

The complete suite of tailored therapies

Eye-Movement Desensitisation & Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is a psychotherapy treatment designed to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories. It involves guided eye movements while recalling traumatic events, helping the brain reprocess these memories. EMDR can significantly reduce the emotional impact of trauma, allowing clients to develop more adaptive coping mechanisms and achieve psychological healing.

Schema Therapy

Schema Therapy integrates elements from cognitive, behavioural, and psychodynamic therapies to address deep-rooted emotional patterns and beliefs formed by traumatic experiences. It helps clients identify and modify maladaptive schemas, improving emotional regulation and interpersonal relationships. This approach is particularly effective for complex trauma and long-standing emotional issues.

Resilience Counselling

Resilience Counselling focuses on building emotional strength and adaptability. It helps individuals develop coping strategies to handle stress, adversity, and life challenges. This approach aims to enhance mental flexibility, problem-solving skills, and emotional regulation, enabling clients to bounce back from difficulties and thrive in the face of change. Our experienced psychologist, Michal Baghlani, is a certified resilience coach who brings expertise and specialised training to guide clients in developing and strengthening their resilience.

Biofeedback Tools

Biofeedback therapies use technology to provide real-time information about physiological processes, helping trauma survivors gain control over their body's stress responses. By learning to regulate functions like heart rate, muscle tension, and breathing, clients can reduce anxiety, improve relaxation, and manage trauma-related symptoms more effectively.

Clinical Hypnotherapy

Clinical Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic approach that uses hypnosis to create a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility. For trauma survivors, this technique can be particularly beneficial in accessing and reframing traumatic memories, reducing anxiety, and promoting relaxation. During sessions, a trained hypnotherapist guides clients into a trance-like state, allowing for exploration of subconscious thoughts and feelings related to their trauma. This approach can help in managing symptoms of PTSD, alleviating phobias, and enhancing overall emotional well-being. Clinical Hypnotherapy is often used in conjunction with other therapeutic modalities to provide a comprehensive approach to trauma healing.

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a cognitive-behavioural approach that teaches skills in four key areas: mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. For trauma survivors, DBT helps manage intense emotions, reduce self-destructive behaviours, and improve relationships. It's particularly useful for those struggling with emotional dysregulation as a result of traumatic experiences.

Mindfulness-Based Therapy

Mindfulness-Based Therapy incorporates meditation and mindfulness practices into trauma treatment. It teaches clients to focus on the present moment non-judgementally, reducing stress, anxiety, and trauma-related symptoms. This approach enhances self-awareness, emotional regulation, and overall mental well-being, providing trauma survivors with tools to manage distressing thoughts and emotions.

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) combines mindfulness strategies with behaviour change techniques. It teaches clients to accept unavoidable difficulties while committing to actions aligned with personal values. ACT aims to increase psychological flexibility, helping individuals lead more fulfilling lives despite challenges or mental health issues.


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