Seek individualised and integrative care, tailored to your goals, anywhere in Australia.

How we help

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition characterised by unwanted, recurring thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviours (compulsions) that you feel compelled to perform. These obsessions and compulsions can significantly interfere with daily life, making routine tasks overwhelming and time-consuming. For example, someone with OCD might repeatedly check if a door is locked or excessively wash their hands. This constant cycle of obsessions and compulsions can lead to substantial distress, anxiety, and a feeling of being trapped by your thoughts and behaviours.

At Biio, we believe that effective management of OCD requires an individualised and integrative care approach. We take the time to understand your unique experiences and the impact OCD has on your life, crafting a personalised treatment plan that combines both clinical and holistic therapies. This may include Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), particularly Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP), as well as techniques for stress management, mindfulness, and lifestyle adjustments. We offer both digital and face-to-face support to ensure comprehensive, continuous care tailored to your needs. Our goal is to help you regain control, reduce the intensity of your symptoms, and improve your overall quality of life through a compassionate, patient-centred approach.

Our clinical leadership

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