
Seek individualised and integrative care, tailored to your goals, anywhere in Australia.

How we help

Neuralgia is a condition characterised by sharp, intense pain resulting from nerve damage or irritation. This pain can be sudden and severe, often described as a stabbing or burning sensation. Neuralgia can affect various parts of the body, including the face, head, and limbs, and may be triggered by activities like chewing, speaking, or even a gentle breeze. The unpredictable and often debilitating nature of neuralgia can significantly impact your daily life, making it difficult to perform routine tasks, enjoy social interactions, and maintain overall well-being.

At Biio, we understand the complexities of neuralgia and the significant burden it places on your life. Our approach is rooted in individualised, integrative care, combining medical treatments with holistic therapies to address both the symptoms and the root causes. Treatment plans may include medications to relieve pain, physical therapy to improve nerve function, and lifestyle modifications to reduce triggers. Additionally, we offer digital and face-to-face support to provide ongoing assistance and guidance. By focusing on your unique experience and needs, we aim to alleviate pain, enhance your quality of life, and empower you with the tools and knowledge to manage neuralgia effectively.

Our clinical leadership

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