Childhood Trauma

Seek individualised and integrative care, tailored to your goals, anywhere in Australia.

How we help

Childhood trauma refers to distressing experiences that occur during childhood, such as abuse, neglect, or witnessing violence. These traumatic events can have long-lasting effects, impacting emotional, psychological, and physical health well into adulthood. Individuals who have experienced childhood trauma may struggle with anxiety, depression, trust issues, and difficulties in forming healthy relationships. The impact of such trauma can also manifest in physical symptoms such as chronic pain, sleep disturbances, and lowered immunity, affecting overall quality of life.

At Biio, we understand that healing from childhood trauma requires more than just addressing the symptoms; it necessitates a compassionate, individualised approach to care. Our integrative model combines clinical treatments with holistic therapies to support the full spectrum of your well-being. This might include trauma-informed counselling, mindfulness practices, body-based therapies like yoga or massage, and lifestyle modifications to promote self-care and resilience. Through personalised, empathetic support—both digital and face-to-face—we aim to help you process and heal from past trauma, enabling you to move forward with a greater sense of peace, empowerment, and overall well-being.

Our clinical leadership

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